Use Social Media to Advocate for HPE!

Social media is a powerful and necessary tool in our fight for #MoreTitleIV funding! The perfect time to advocate via social media is right now.

  • Use these sample social media messages to encourage colleagues, family and friends to join your efforts to “speak out” for school health and physical education!
  • Tag your lawmaker in your social media posts and if you are on the Hill or visiting with them locally, send a message out within 24 hours.
  • Official hashtags to use include #SpeakOutDay, #SHAPEAdvocacy and #MoreTitleIV!

Tweet to Family & Friends: #MoreTitleIV and other HPE Hashtags of Your Choice; #Physed, #HealthEd, #SHAPEPhysEd, #SHAPEHealthEd!

  • Health and PE are where students learn how to stay healthy and active. Let's ask lawmakers to fully fund TitleIV, Part A under ESSA! #MoreTitleIV
  • When students are active and healthy they do better in school & in life! Join me in advocating for #MoreTitleIV funds for health and PE!
  • Tell #Congress, we need #MoreTitleIV! Fund ESSA to the authorized amount of $1.6 billion
  • Well-rounded education includes #healthed & #physed. Let's ensure these programs get the funding they deserve by maintaining the current funding level! #SHAPEAdvocacy
  • Help me ensure resources that can help students who are struggling with stress, trauma and other mental health issues get proper funding #MoreTitleIV

Tweet Directly to Your Congressional Representatives: #SPEAKOutDay and #MoreTitleIV

  • Great meeting you (fill in your lawmaker’s handle), excited we can give schools the funding access they need to provide a well-rounded education! #MoreTitleIV
  • (fill in your lawmaker’s handle) Kids need to have opportunities to lead active, healthy lives. It starts with effective #HPE in schools. Support #MoreTitleIV
  • Got to visit with (fill in your lawmaker’s handle) and share my story of how #HPE directly impact students. Please continue to support #MoreTitleIV

Click here for a list of members of Congress' Twitter handles 

More Tweetable Ideas

  • Tweet about your local and national advocacy opportunities, including feedback from lawmakers and any other stakeholder meetings including PTA, school board and local government.
  • Continue to share stories of local impact throughout the school year on social media and tag your lawmakers when possible.
  • Connect and directly engage with your representatives  throughout the coming weeks!