adapted physical activity

The Adapted Physical Education Assessment Scale (APEAS II) is an assessment education tool developed in cooperation with the Los Angeles Unified School District. To access the data in an existing account please visit https://apeas.shapeamerica.org.

To purchase the product, please visit here.

Please email [email protected] with questions.

Important Notice

We are excited to announce that per Syracuse University’s guidance we have updated the test (both Elementary and Secondary) to become valid and reliable with updated norm tables starting with the 2021-2022 school year! These changes fully went into effect on August 15th, 2021. We do plan on continuing to update the norm tables based on the data collected to ensure the test is valid and reliable going forward.

The changes recommended by Syracuse included removing some of the balance items from the test as they were causing issues with the validity. This change was made on 01/01/2020 but we have left the test items under the “about tasks” category incase you still want to reference them. All tests scored before 01/01/2020 will include the balance items in the report. The full validity and reliability study is available for download.

The changes to the norm tables include removing temporarily some of the individual fitness scores to instead focus on the combined scores in sections per the recommendations from Syracuse University. This was done to ensure that the percentile rank, standard deviation, etc. was truly reflective of national normed data. We do anticipate that as more scores are added to the database, we will be able to update the individual items under object control, locomotor skills & physical fitness with updated norm tables including percentile rank very shortly.

UPDATE - Per our previous update, we are happy to report that all individual fitness scores (percentile rank, S.D. Z-Score and Standard Score) for the test items have been added back! The Secondary test has all test items added back while the Elementary side has everything except for kick will rolling ball and hopping/galloping. Those items will be added back at a future time. For the Elementary test, the scoring is the same however kick with rolling ball and hopping/galloping are not calculated in the percentile rank/z-score/standard score/combined (this is denoted with a bold line in the scoresheet) Note, they will still calculate in the combined section if scored however the combined data does NOT include those items. To get a true measurement, you should not score those items when calculating the combined percentile rank. All of your tests will show the new numbers and they should be used going forward. We are updating the test manual but the analysis of APEAS scored test data was 4 times larger than the previous process. You will notice changes in all of the elements especially in percentile rank and standard deviation, this is anticipated due to the sample size. As mentioned, we are editing and updating the test manual to reflect these changes and expect it to be ready in late 2022 - 09/18/22

We are excited that APEAS is valid, reliable and has updated norm tables for the first time in a decade! However, the work does not stop as we are committed to ensuring the test remains valid and reliable.