Press Release


Planning for the Next Normal at School:
Updated checklists and resources for implementing mental, physical, and social health strategies


To ensure the best conditions for teaching and learning amidst COVID-19, the health of students, teachers, and staff must be a top priority. Kaiser Permanente and 30 school health partners, including SHAPE America, are here to help with the latest version of our Planning for the Next Normal at School playbook. This up-to-date resource offers useful tools that you can use as everyone settles into a new way of learning in this unprecedented school year.

Learn about the five starter plays and supporting resources for Physical Education and Physical Activity with Carly Wright, VP of Advocacy and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at SHAPE America

The Planning for the Next Normal at School playbook provides an evolving collection of evidence-informed guidance developed in partnership with more than 30 trusted school health organizations, including Action for Healthy Kids, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, FutureEd, Healthy Schools Campaign, and SHAPE America. Our playbook helps educational leaders cultivate and sustain a safe, supportive environment for teaching and learning.

Updates and additional new resources include: 

  • Tips for how health education can lead to more effective learning. 
  • A new section on strategies for accessing new funding sources to support essential school operations and safe, continued learning along with a separate interactive checklist featuring Four Strategies to Fund a Healthy School Environment.
  • Key engagement strategies for how to support student and family health needs throughout the school year along with a separate checklist featuring Five Starter Plays to Support Family Well-Being during the school year. 
  • A Quick Start Health Assessment from the Alliance for a Healthier Generations to support schools’ and districts’ efforts to prioritize and implement key health strategies in the playbook, accessed via Healthier Generation’s Action Center.
  • A refreshed PDF of interactive playbook chapter checklists with clickable icons to track progress and access resources to support implementation.

    Visit the playbook web page on the Kaiser Permanente Thriving Schools website to read and download the full playbook. 

  • Press Information

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    Implementing Physical Activity, Physical Education and Health Education

    5 starter plays for enhancing mental health and well-being

    Download the PDF and 5 starter plays for implementing physical activity, physical education and health education