SHAPE America Social and Emotional Learning  Task Force

Backward Design Social and Emotional Units Plans

These social and emotional Learning (SEL) health and physical education unit plans use backward design to show how SHAPE America Grade-Level Outcomes and/or National Health Education performance indicators align with appropriate SEL competencies/sub-competencies, assessment, and instruction. Backward design is a framework used to create lesson units around specific goals or outcomes.   

Use these unit plans to extract and combine the information below into daily plans that contain the following components: welcome, clarification of objectives, teaching the content through the practice of the skill, practice prompt for the students, formative assessment during student practice, end of class review of content, skill, and SEL competency, and an exit ticket. The unit plan summative authentic assessment provides the students with the opportunity to demonstrate the grade-level outcomes and the SEL competency stated.
Grade Level: preK-2

Backward Design SEL/Skills-Based Health
Education Unit:

Analyzing Influences of School Bus Safety 

This preK-2 unit (developed by the SHAPE America SEL Task Force) incorporates the content of bus safety. The unit plan contains the National Health Education infused performance indicators and social-emotional competencies/sub-competencies, assessment, and instruction.
Grade Level: 2

Backward Design SEL/Physical Education Unit:

Rhythmic Activity and Self-Awareness of Personal Strengths

This grade 2, Standard 5 unit (developed by the SHAPE America SEL Task Force) includes physical and rhythmic activities that bring confidence and challenge. The unit plan contains a SHAPE America Grade-Level Outcome and social-emotional competencies/sub-competencies, assessment, and instruction.
Grade Level: 5

Backward Design SEL/Physical Education Unit:

Healthy Eating and Physical Activity 

This grade 5, Standard 3 unit (developed by the SHAPE America SEL Task Force) incorporates the content of healthy
snacking and physical activity. The unit plan contains a SHAPE America Grade-Level Outcome and social-emotional
competencies/sub-competencies, assessment, and instruction.
Grade Level: 6-7

Backward Design SEL/Physical Education Unit:

Reciprocal Peer Feedback When Learning How to Throw a Set Shot 

This grade 6-7 Standard 1 and 4 unit (developed by the SHAPE America SEL Task Force) incorporates the content of
providing reciprocal peer feedback when learning how to throw a set shot. The unit plan contains a SHAPE America
Grade-Level Outcome and social-emotional competencies/sub-competencies,assessment, and instruction.
Grade Level: 6-8

Backward Design SEL/Skills Based Health Education Unit:

Practicing Healthy Behaviors including Stress Management

This grade 6-8 unit (developed by the SHAPE America SEL Task Force) incorporates the content of stress management.
The unit plan contains the National Health Education infused performance indicators and social-emotional competencies/ sub-competencies, assessment, and instruction.

Backward Design SEL/Skills Based Health Education Unit:

Using Interpersonal Communication Skills to Refuse Vaping

This grade 6-8 unit (developed by the SHAPE America SEL Task Force) incorporates the content of using interpersonal
communication skills to refuse vaping. The unit plan contains the National Health Education infused performance
indicators and social-emotional competencies/sub-competencies, assessment, and instruction.