Lead-up Games

A lead-up game isolates one or more of the skills, rules, and/or strategies used to play the actual sport it mimics. Lead-up games help you learn these components in a fun way. As more and more schools and recreation programs focus on lifelong recreational sports, lead-up games play an important role in preparing people to participate in the actual sport.

We invite you to submit your favorite lead-up games in any lifelong recreational sport to be posted on this Web site for others to use. They may eventually be assembled in a book. Using the format of the samples below, write your own and email it to the project director, Curt Hinson. Be sure to include your name so you can get credit as the author. Take this opportunity to get published and share your expertise with other professionals in the field. If we each give a little, we will all gain a lot.

Enjoy the following lead-up game and keep checking back for more!


Golf Around the Clock
Partner Putting Challenge 
Putt-Putt Golf


Beanbag Bowling 
Bowler Ball 
Slide Bowling 
Team Bowler-Rama


Crazy 8s 
Short-Court Mini Tennis 
Alleys Tennis 
Aerobic Tennis
Toss & Catch Tennis

Other Free Resources

Position Papers

Resource Manuals

New! Early childhood activities you can download and use all year long.