Apply for SHAPE America Awards & Recognition


Award applications now open! Deadline: October 15 Apply Now

The SHAPE America Awards Program honors distinctive contributions to the profession. All SHAPE America members have the privilege of submitting nominees for each award offered by SHAPE America. All SHAPE America awards are presented annually at the National Convention and Expo.

Links to awards are available under award categories that are divided by nominee audience. Eligibility and award criteria are indicated on each award page. Please refer to the submission procedures and general requirements for instructions regarding nomination submission guidelines, and the nomination form for submissions. Questions regarding the nomination process should be directed to [email protected].

Submission Procedures

Nomination form
(Interactive form, located on each award page):

Curriculum vita (CV) to address the award criteria not to exceed 10 pages.
Reviewers will not read more than 10 pages.

Two (2) letters of support from nominators.
Letters should specifically address the criteria for the award and how the person qualifies for the award.

Biographical sketch (250-300 words).
Nominations must be submitted to the form below

*Please look for any additional requirements or alternative submission procedures under individual award criteria.

General Requirements

1. Award recipients must be current members of SHAPE America unless the award criteria stipulates otherwise.

2. Posthumous nominations may be made not later than five years after death of the nominee.

3. Individuals may not receive the same award more than once.

4. A person may be a candidate for no more than one award during any one year. In the event that a nomination for one person is received from two or more different nominators and the nominations are for different awards, the nominee shall choose the award in which s/he wishes to be considered.

5. Individuals currently employed by SHAPE America are ineligible to be considered as candidates for SHAPE America awards.

6. Individuals currently serving as members of the Recognition Awards Committee are ineligible to be considered as candidates for SHAPE America awards.