SHAPE America Summer Institute The Inclusive Classroom: Where ALL Students Belong


The SHAPE America Summer Institute preliminary program is available – for an overview of all the amazing presenters and sessions covering emerging topics in health and physical education, student-centered learning and engagement, and educational technologies and teaching strategies, browse the program now.

View the Program

Here’s what you can expect:

Monday, July 29
  • A full day of conference-style programming with concurrent presentation sessions and activity sessions to keep your mind and body alert and busy.
  • Complimentary lunch as you visit with our attending exhibitors to discover products and services that could assist you with new concepts and instructional strategies to reach today’s students!
Tuesday, July 30
  • Continue your learning with a half-day of programming with concurrent presentation and activity sessions.
  • Add-on half-day workshops on the new National Physical Education Standards and National Health Education Standards as an opportunity to further deepen your learning plus access to the new National Standards e-book.
  • Networking lunch, included with your registration fee, to discuss and debate the session topics provided over the duration of the meeting.

#SHAPECleveland Rocked … But Minneapolis Will Be the Cherry on Top!

Spoonbridge and Cherry Sculpture Garden
Courtesy of Meet Minneapolis