SHAPE Heart Health in Your School!

Support 50 Million Strong and empower your students and staff to make heart health a priority this year. Through effective health and physical education programs and an active school environment you can make a difference! Our new heart-healthy resources will help get you started!


Heart Month Activity Ideas from JRFH/HFH Grantees

With the help of the JRFH program's signature Scare Squad, reinforce proper nutrition and physical activity habits during PE class or at a school-wide assembly!

Interactive Cardio Quiz Calendar

Check out our special INTERACTIVE heart-fact quiz calendar. Use at the beginning of class or end of class as a fun activity for the body and mind!

Heart-Healthy Connections Through Technology & Personalized Learning

NEW CASE STUDY: Students at a Title I school discover a love for jumping rope, earning their way to becoming a top JRFH/HFH fundraising school.

More Heart-Healthy Resources

The Pulse Newsletter!

The Pulse is the only newsletter dedicated to JRFH/HFH. Access lesson plans, best practices for events, and tips to engage your community.

FREE PRINTABLES: February Physical Activity Calendars! 

Our February calendar is filled with instant activities to infuse during class, share with classroom teachers, or send home to inspire families to move together.

Mastering Single-Rope Skills 

Attendees will be able to understand and apply appropriate progressions for single-rope skills and how to incorporate key safety concepts, encouraging even the most timid students to participate.

Cardiac Emergency Response Plan for Schools

Use our timeline, action steps and template to put a cardiac emergency response plan in place

Dedicated JRFH/HFH Sessions at the National Convention

Check out the complete schedule of programming geared toward creating a personalized learning experience for students.

Hosting a School-wide Event

Sign up to host a JRFH/HFH event and learn how the program can complement your physical education program!